Sioux Falls Boudoir

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Fresh Photos with the Bomb Lighting

I’ve heard this song on the radio lately, and one line in particular really speaks to me. Fresh photos with the bomb lighting are literally what we do: All day, every day, every session.  For us, beauty, and the recognition of beauty isn’t a fad or cool song. It’s been at the heart of every portrait I’ve created for the entirety of my career.

But don’t kid yourself: I’ve absolutely got Lizzo on repeat.

You’re feeling nervous…. not sure your hair is long enough, or if your make up will look right? We got you, Mama. Our team of seasoned professionals are not only pros at hair and make-up, but they are also *women* who have each struggled with their own days of insecurity, so we get you. We work hard to create a safe, welcoming space where you can relax and trust us to bring out your most beautiful you.

Now, just for a second, let’s break down what that actually means…  You may, (depending on how cool your Mom or Grandma were) have a collection of soft-focus images with a series of naked shoulders wrapped in feathery boas with very, very, very big hair with bigger bangs, and lipstick so red it could double as an airplane landing strip, created at a studio in a mall just a stone’s throw from the food court. Heavily stylized glamour shots were certainly fun to do, and they are fun to have, but they were cookie-cutter ideas of what “beautiful” was. We’re so past that, and honestly, I’m here for it.

Real talk, ladies. Usually, before a session, I hear a lot of ‘what’s’… what would I wear? What would I do with my hair, my make up? However, *after* someone’s session, the only thing I usually is “when do we get to do this again!?!”

 Not only is it fun to be pampered, to have a whole afternoon set aside where no one is asking you a hundred questions and pulling you into eight directions, but it also feels fantastic when everyone is present and relaxed and focused on supporting you! On top of that, when we’re done, you have amazing boudoir portraits, you know the ones with the bomb lighting that remind you of just how sexy and gorgeous and bold and beautiful you are

 Listen, I’ve known the secret to sexy for several years, and artists like Lizzo are shouting the secret loud and proud:  It’s loving the body you have right now and celebrating it. Fresh photos and bomb lighting, and a team of professionals are right here ready to celebrate!